Spy thriller television drama, ‘Slow Horses‘ is released on Friday, April 1, 2022. Based on Mick Herron’s novel series of the same name, the show is directed by James Hawes and produced by See-Saw Films. Slow Horses is written by Will Smith, a former stand-up comedian. Slow Horses is an Apple Original, and exclusive to the Apple TV+ streaming service. All 6-episode of season 1 premiered on Apple TV+ on April 1.
Starring Oscar-winning actor Gary Oldman as Jackson Lamb, the show follows the story of British Intelligence agents who have messed up their careers and now serve in the dumping ground department of M15, Slough Horse, an administrative purgatory for service rejects. The group is led by Jackson Lamb who constantly tries to assign unrelated tasks to his teammates so that they quit the job out of frustration. Lamb is himself frustrated with his co-workers and decided to leave everything to destiny. One of the agents, River Cartwright (Dunkirk’s Jack Lowden) assigned the work of chasing a man in an airport but instead, he chased the wrong suspect and the actual suspect who was a bomber gets away. Although, it was revealed later that the task is just an assignment to lead him to his boss, Jackson.
The show has its moments of humour and comedy. It is filled with a star-studded cast; Gary Oldman, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Jonathan Pryce, three gems of British Cinema. The drama is engaging but it might not appeal to everyone. In the beginning, the show is quite interesting but it failed to keep the consistency towards the end. The plot is tense and uncertain. The cast of Slow Horses includes Chris Reilly as Nick Duffy; Gary Oldman as Jackson Lamb; Rosalind Eleazar as Louisa Guy; Jack Lowden as River Cartwright.
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