Recently, it was announced that Priyanka Chopra will be co-hosting a pre Oscars ceremony in Los Angeles, California which will honor South Asian actors in Hollywood. Chopra, who has become a household name in Hollywood, delivered a speech in which she said that she felt proud of hosting the event and recalled her journey in the West. Prominent author and podcaster Jay Shetty, shared an Instagram story which shows a clip of Priyanka Chopra’s speech, she reminisced trying to start a career in Hollywood a decade ago.
Shetty thanked the actress for hosting the event and Chopra said, “I have goosebumps. I’m emotional. I’m highly proud to be rubbing shoulders with all of you, to be encouraging you.” In the ceremony, Chopra decided to represent her culture in terms of her outfit, she wore a beautiful black saree. The event was co-hosted by prominent stars who have made a mark in the predominantly White industry such as Mindy Kaling, Kumail Nanjiani, Bela Bajaria, Shruti Ganguly, Anjula Acharia and Maneesh K. Goya. Later Chopra introduced a special guest Riz Ahmed, a very popular British actor and rapper who won an Emmy Award and starred in remarkable films such as The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012) and Nightcrawler (2014).
Jay Shetty shared a series of stories of the event on his official Instagram account, called it a “wonderful evening” and thanked Priyanka Chopra for hosting it. Other notable personalities included Suroosh Alvi, Canadian journalist who founded Vice Media, Joseph Patel, the head of content at Vevo and a producer, writer and journalist, Elizabeth Mirzaei, filmmaker, Aneil Karia, writer and director, Choyning Dorji, a Bhutanese photographer and Gulistan Mirzaei, an Afghan director and assistant to the late Editor in Chief of Kabul Weekly.
All the abovementioned figures have been nominated for the 94th Academy Awards which will be held on March 27th this year.
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