Take a look at these 5 Christmas Party Drinking Games


We use music, conversation, dancing lights, drinking, and a number of other components to spice up a Christmas party. However, how can you make it even better? You got it right, as you predicted.Drinking games, of course! What you’re seeing is exactly how it works. In that vein, here are five games that are sure to put a smile on anyone’s face.

In My Life, I Never NHIEd Drinking.

To find out what your friends are hiding, play Never Have I Ever. People that have done this previously will take a sip from their drink if you share anything new with them. Every member of the group who has been arrested will receive a drink if I say, “I’ve never been arrested.” So watch what you say! The object of the game is get your friends to confess their embarrassing experiences.

Thumbs up for Thumper Thumper.

A fun game to play when people start to fall asleep is this one! As long as you have a table, you’re good to go. You might choose a symbol of triumph or allow your creativity go wild if you so want (or nasty if you like). Everyone stomps on the table to start the game. It’s time for you to start your own hand motion and then execute another person’s.

This time, the person who did the hand gesture repeats it, and so do others who want their turn next.Those who make a mistake or take too long to respond are given a beverage. Playing both the action and the sound at once would make the game more enjoyable. Is that what you meant?

Drinking with my chin tucked in

Keeping a straight face when intoxicated is tough, and this game is no exception. On little sheets of paper, you scrawl funny or provocative words while keeping a straight face. Each participant is given a sheet of paper and is asked to keep a neutral expression while writing on it. Drinking is mandatory for everybody who laughs or answers!

Flip Cup flip cup drinking facts for those born in December

You can kick off your home party using Flip Cup. Two teams are vying for the championship. Cups lay on the table’s edge as the teams take up places on each side of the table. Everyone must finish their drink and flip the cup over with their fingers before the next person may begin. The first team to finish this challenge wins.

Drinking is most likely to be a regular occurrence for this person

The group asks a “most probable” question in a circle. As an example, ask yourself, “Who is most prone to fart in front of strangers?” Each person points to the person they feel is the most likely to commit the crime. The more people throw accusing fingers at someone, the more they drink.

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