Julia Roberts finds out in a DNA test that she is not a “Roberts”

Julia Roberts finds out in a DNA test that she is not a "Roberts"

Julia Roberts has discovered a confidential piece of information about her family lineage that pertains to her great-great-grandmother, Rhoda Suttle Roberts. To uncover further intriguing facts about this matter, continue reading.

During her appearance on PBS’ Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr on Wednesday, Julia Roberts discovered that she is not truly a member of the Roberts family. The actress was informed of a family controversy from many years ago involving her great-great-grandmother.

In the episode, Henry Louis Gates Jr. examined Julia Roberts’ family lineage and revealed that her great-grandfather was born ten years after the passing of her great-great-grandfather, Willis Roberts. Roberts’ grandmother, Rhoda Suttle Roberts, was married to Willis since the 1850s, but his death in 1864 left a perplexing void.

Upon hearing this surprising revelation, Julia Roberts was taken aback and questioned Gates Jr. about her Roberts family lineage, asking “So, am I not a Roberts?

After examining public databases, Gates Jr. informed Julia that there was a group of matches that linked her to a man named Henry McDonald Mitchell Jr.

When Julia inquired whether she was really Julia Mitchells instead of Julia Roberts, Gates Jr. responded affirmatively, declaring that she was biologically a Mitchell and not a Roberts.

Julia Roberts’ DNA test reveals her great-grandmother’s affair

Julia Roberts finds out in a DNA test that she is not a "Roberts" 3

Learning that she belonged to the Mitchell family was not the only surprising revelation for Julia. Gates Jr. went on to divulge that Henry McDonald Mitchell Jr., who Julia’s great-great-grandmother Rhoda had a relationship with, was married and had six children of his own. Additionally, Gates Jr. revealed that Henry’s mother, who was a widow, resided in close proximity to Rhoda, only four households away.

Julia Roberts is very curious to know about her new-found ancestry

Julia Roberts finds out in a DNA test that she is not a "Roberts" 4

The discovery of her true ancestry was a startling revelation for Julia, who responded with a brief “Wow” before Gates Jr. asked for her thoughts on the matter. Via People, Roberts stated on the show that “On the one hand, I—truly—my mind is blown. And it is fascinating. And on the other hand, there’s part of me that, when I’m calmer, can still wrap my arms around the idea that my family is my family. And I do prefer the name, Roberts!”

Gates Jr. also mentioned to Julia that Henry McDonald Mitchell Jr.’s name vanished from historical records during the late 1800s. However, he revealed that both Julia and Mitchell’s family lineage can be traced back to colonial Virginia in the 18th century.

“This was a very surprising revelation,” remarked the 55-year-old actress.

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