Why has the Halle Bailey-starring Little Mermaid received negative feedback, getting over 3 million dislikes on the trailer?


The Disney studio has been receiving racist backlash ever since they announced the casting of Halle Bailey as Ariel in The Little Mermaid.

The upcoming Disney movie, The Little Mermaid, which features Halle Bailey as the lead, has been the target of racist backlash. This has apparently led to a significant increase in the number of dislikes on the movie’s latest trailer, according to a Twitter account. The trailer has received three million dislikes compared to only 600,000 likes.

Here is the Trailer For The Little Mermaid’s

The racist backlash of The Little Mermaid

The casting of Halle Bailey as Ariel in The Little Mermaid has resulted in a racist backlash, with the movie’s trailer being downvoted as many as three million times. Those who are opposed to the casting claim that the fictional character of Ariel was originally depicted as white in the 1989 animated classic, and therefore they object to Bailey playing the role.

Despite the racist backlash, The Little Mermaid has also received a positive response, with a significant number of likes. This has also translated into a trend on TikTok, where parents are sharing videos of their children expressing excitement about watching a Black actress play the role of Ariel.

Josh Gad, who has previously collaborated with Disney, recently took to Twitter to criticize the racists who have been disliking the YouTube trailer. In his tweet, he stated that it was absurd for someone to be so “broken and pathetic” in life that they are primarily concerned with the skin color of a fictional singing mermaid.

Rob Marshall on Halle Bailey

According to the director of the upcoming live-action film The Little Mermaid, Rob Marshall, they did not have any agenda in casting for the role. Marshall said that they auditioned everyone and were looking for an actor who was strong, passionate, beautiful, smart, and clever enough to play the role of Ariel. He stated that Halle Bailey meets all of these criteria, along with having an incredible singing voice.

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