Actor Leonardo DiCaprio and actor-model Victoria Lamas were recently seen out to dinner in Hollywood on a Tuesday night. She is 25 years his junior. Despite reports to the contrary, they are both single. Pictures published by the Daily Mail show Leonardo and the model being seen in The Bird Streets Club as they departed individually but ultimately got into a car together.
Victoria completed her outfit with black leggings and a black scoop-neck crop top. With a black T-shirt, baggy blue trousers, white sneakers, a black jacket, and his trademark black baseball cap, Leonardo wore his most casual ensemble. He added a silver chain necklace as an accessory.
What happened between Leonardo and Gigi?
In the midst of rumours that he has been dating model Gigi Hadid for a few months, DiCaprio’s dinner meeting with Lamas surprised everyone. The couple has made an effort to conceal their relationship ever since they were first seen together at a New York Fashion Week party in September. A few weeks after attending a celebrity-studded Halloween party in Brooklyn together, Hadid was seen leaving the same restaurant as her purported lover last month. Leonardo DiCaprio recently broke up with longtime girlfriend Camila Morrone in August. The actor has received criticism for dating women younger than 25. Supermodel Gigi Hadid and the actor were reportedly dating at the time they were sighted together in September at a New York Fashion Week party and in November at the Casa Cipriani in New York City.
Who is Victoria Lamas?
Lorenzo Lamas, an actor who had been in Falcon Crest, is the father of Victoria Lamas. She is a model and actor who has about 23,000 Instagram followers. She regularly updates her followers on her travels and modelling assignments. The Last Thing the Earth Said, A Virtuous Role, and Two Niner are just a few of the roles she has played.
Leonardo’s upcoming film, Killers of the Flower Moon, which reteams him with Wolf of Wall Street director Martin Scorsese, will be his next onscreen appearance. The much awaited movie, which is based on the David Grann novel, is set in the 1920s and centres on a string of murders committed against affluent Native Americans in Oklahoma.
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