New footage of Tobey Maguire’s spooky persona can be seen in the next Babylon teaser, which Oscar-winner Damien Chazelle directed. The fifth full-length picture from director Damien Chazelle, the youngest Academy Award winner for Best Director in history, has the potential to be the most savagely boisterous entry in the auteur’s catalog. The movie Babylon is billed as a fever dream of decadence, perversion, and outrageous excess that charts the spectacular rise and fall of a number of ambitious dreamers in 1920s Hollywood, according to the official synopsis. Margot Robbie, Brad Pitt, Katherine Waterston, Diego Calva, Maguire, Max Minghella, Li Jun Li, Flea, and Olivia Wilde are among the stellar cast members of Babylon.
The sexy trailer for Babylon, which stars James McKay as played by Tobey Maguire, has been published by Paramount. His persona has so far been hinted at as a mystery, frightening-looking entity who hasn’t had a formal introduction. When James first meets Manny Torres, played by Calva, in the trailer’s opening scene, James appears to completely steal the show. The latest teaser, which is full of fragments of obscene imagery, includes a person impaled by a spear, a reminder of the elephant that was brought in for a party but seemed to have no trainer in charge of it, and Robbie’s Nellie LaRoy complaining about someone sneaking a dildo into her dressing room. The trailer is provided below:
Why Isn’t There a Red Band Official Trailer for Babylon?
The aforementioned shenanigans seem to be fairly normal stuff for Babylon, so it’s very probable that the writer-director has even more risqué moments in store, including a scene so full of nudity that it even stunned Pitt. This scenario sounds like The Great Gatsby crossed with Eyes Wide Shut. The movie’s excess is nothing new, but as more information comes to light, it becomes more clear that director Damien Chazelle’s sense of excess will be a chaotic extravaganza that demands to be viewed on a large screen.
It’s a clever and fun choice made by Chazelle and company to hide the most risque sequences and simply tease the decadence, as opposed to movies with excessive amounts of sex and violence frequently getting a Red Band trailer to showcase those features. Babylon’s trailers have avoided giving away too much of the storyline in favor of teasing the outrageous extravagance of Hollywood in the 1920s. The glitzy trailer previews have helped to build interest over time. The spectacle being promised would be diminished by a Red Band trailer.
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