The Glory is an upcoming South Korean revenge-drama Netflix Original series penned by Descendants of the Sun author Kim Eun Sook. Ahn Gil Ho, who previously helmed the dramas Happiness, Stranger, and Memories of the Alhambra, will be directing the series. Song Hye-kyo is the series’ lead actor. This eight-episode series, titled The Glory, will soon be available on Netflix. The k-drama is described as having characteristics of drama, melodrama, and a thriller.
A press conference was held for the drama on December 20, 2022. Aside from the actors, those in attendance at the conference included the drama’s writers and directors. Two portions, Part 1 and Part 2, of the drama will be shown, it was stated. The Grand Ballroom on the LL floor of the JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul served as the location for the production presentation of Netflix’s “The Glory.” At the press conference, it was initially revealed that The Glory would be split into two parts. Director Ahn said, “Part 1 will be released on December 30, 2022 and Part 2 will be released around March, so please show a lot of interest and love.” There are 16 episodes in all in The Glory, and “Part 2” will be available in 2023. On the other hand, “Part 1” will be made available on Netflix everywhere on December 30, 2022.
The Glory plot
A high schooler who wants to be an architect is the protagonist of the tragic revenge thriller The Glory. However, she was compelled to quit school because of terrible bullying there. Years later, the offender gets married and has a child. The former victim moves to teach their homeroom when the child starts elementary school and starts her brutal retribution against the attackers and witnesses from her bullying days. Her ruthless plan of retaliation gets under way.
The Glory Cast
The cast of this Korean drama includes Song Hye-kyo, Lim Ji-yeon, Lee Do-hyun, Park Sung-hoon, Yeom Hye-ran, Jung Sung-il, Cha Joo-young, Kim Hi-eora, Kim Gun-woo, Shin Ye-eun, and Jung Ji-so. Kim Eun-sook wrote the book The Glory. The drama’s director is Ahn Gil-ho. The production company for this upcoming South Korean television series is Hwa&Dam Pictures.