In just two weeks since its debut, the Netflix series Wednesday, starring Jenna Ortega as the iconic Wednesday Addams, has moved up to the third spot among the most-watched English-language TV shows in the service’s history. Wednesday has been successfully streaming on the OTT platform for the past two weeks.
Recently, Ortega came under fire for recording a key dance scene from the musical while battling COVID-19. She recently discussed a subplot in the series that she was completely against in one of her interviews. Jenna Ortega recently discussed a certain narrative on the show that she didn’t enjoy being a part of, according to Just Jared. She berated Tyler Galpin’s (Hunter Doohan) character for becoming involved in a terrifying love triangle with Xavier Thorpe (Percy Hynes White).
She said, “I told them very early on that I didn’t want her to be in the middle of a love triangle.” “I’ve always been against the love triangle idea,” she added. She continued by saying how difficult it was to resist the love triangle and how her character Wednesday would never consent to such an affair. She further said, “As far as the boys went, I had to accept it but honestly, I’m going to fight this love triangle thing so hard. Because I don’t think Wednesday would ever be in a love triangle.”
Ortega admitted that she has already discussed this scene with the script writers. She said, “I talked to the writers about this and they said ‘don’t worry, don’t worry, it’s not gonna be that.’”She added, “I think there’s an opportunity there for a really sweet, platonic relationship because I don’t think it’s shown enough, men and women having safe, platonic relationships that don’t become romantic.” She considered how great a sibling-like relationship with Xavier Thorpe would be. She opened up about her true feelings, stating that Wednesday is probably not thinking about boys at all.