James Cameron calls the MCU comparison “irrelevant,” saying that Marvel “has maybe 26 movies to build such a universe”

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James Cameron, the director of Avatar: The Way of Water, does not want his film series to be compared to Star Wars and Marvel. The release of Avatar 2 will take place in a few weeks. After 13 years after the initial release, the much-expected sequel finally arrives.

The smash hit The Original from 2009 became the all-time highest-grossing film. Because of this, there are high expectations for its sequel, and based on early indications, audiences won’t be let down. The cast and crew can’t stop gushing about the movie, and the box office predictions for the film are also excellent.

While that is all well and good, the director of Avatar: The Way of Water has taken exception to comparisons of the franchise to Star Wars and Marvel. James Cameron discusses the skepticism around his film series and the societal influence it has had in a conversation with The Hollywood Reporter.

There is doubt in the marketplace on the question, “Oh, did it ever have any significant cultural impact?” stated James Cameron. Jake Sully is less likely to be remembered by the public than, say, Luke Skywalker, in part because the mythology of Avatar has only been explored in one film, according to the director of Avatar: The Way of Water.

“When you are really successful, you come back in three years. It’s just the way the business is. Over time, you return to the well and continue to have that cultural influence. Marvel has maybe 26 films to create an entire world, with characters interacting with one another. Therefore, it is a pointless debate. After this movie, we’ll see what happens,” James said.

We concur with James Cameron on this even though enduring franchises like Marvel and Star Wars have developed their fan bases and significantly impacted the film industry. Given the differences between each franchise, comparing them makes little sense.

On December 16, Avatar: The Way of Water will be available.

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