Chris Hemsworth explains WHY his upcoming Thor appearance might serve as his ‘MCU finale’

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As the actor believes his upcoming appearance should be his final, Chris Hemsworth’s time as Thor in the MCU may be coming to an end. The only other actor in Marvel to have four stand-alone films is the one who portrays one of the founding Avengers. His most recent film role was in Love and Thunder.

It was directed by Taika Waititi and featured Christian Bale’s MCU debut as well as Natalie Portman’s return as Jane Foster. Except for Ragnarok, the film performed incredibly well at the box office. Throughout its whole run, Love and Thunder brought in $760 million.

Returning to the subject at hand, Chris Hemsworth recently discussed his likely departure from the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Thor in an interview with Vanity Fair. “Sure, that’s true. If I ever did it again, I feel like we’d probably have to call it a day, you know what I mean? Thor: Love and Thunder actor said, “I feel like it probably warrants that.

Chris Hemsworth explains WHY his upcoming Thor appearance might serve as his 'MCU finale' 2

“I have a feeling that it would be the end, but that is not based on anything anyone has said or any kind of planning. I’m not sure whether I’ve reached that point yet, but you have the hero’s birth, voyage, and death. Who knows?” Chris Hemsworth discussed his choice to step down from the upcoming film’s portrayal of Thor.

Hemsworth has previously discussed his upcoming role as the Asgardian. The actor has already stated that he will continue to perform the part until someone removes him from the stage. That won’t be possible, of course, and his character will finally die.

For Phases 5 and 6, Marvel has unveiled a number of new characters and endeavors. There may also be a new Avengers squad assembled. The following time Chris Hemsworth plays Thor very well may be the last.

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