The HBO television adaption of Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite without Tilda Swinton is now officially over. The filmmaker wrote and directed the 2019 South Korean thriller film Parasite, which was widely praised by critics. In addition to becoming the first non-English-language Best Picture winner, Parasite was the first South Korean film to be recognised by the Academy Awards.
Swinton stated that she is no longer a part of the Parasite television adaptation in an interview with Variety. Despite leaving the project, Swinton claims that she is still cheering for Bong and the series. She said, “I don’t think I’ll be a part of it, but I’m very happy to be a cheerleader.” Although the series was announced in 2020, not much specific information has been made available regarding the Parasite show.
The TV adaptation of film Snowpiercer, which was ordered to pilot in November 2016, did not premiere until May 2020 due to numerous creative changes made while it was in development. Joon-ho is well known for having technical challenges when turning his films into television series. Joon-ho is currently involved in a number of other projects, including the film version of Edward Ashton’s book Mickey7, which, ironically, also stars Mark Ruffalo, Toni Collette, and Robert Pattinson.
One of the best movies of the century, according to many reviewers and spectators, was the hugely popular Parasite. But Swinton’s departure from the television adaption may indicate that Joon-ho is working on other projects and the show is stagnating, or it may indicate that there are technological issues that need to be resolved before Parasite airs on HBO. Since Swinton’s departure is the first piece of Parasite television adaptation news in nearly two years, it appears that it will be some time before viewers can watch the HBO series.
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