10 Nefarious Fits: Best D&D Classes for Unholy Campaigns

Dungeons & Dragons offers a wealth of options for players who want to embrace the darkness and craft a truly evil character. Here are 10 classes that perfectly suit a villainous playstyle, ready to wreak havoc on unsuspecting realms

Oathbreaker Paladin

A Paladin who has strayed from their sacred oath, Oathbreakers wield powerful dark magic and channel negative energy. They excel in inflicting fear and despair, making them terrifying foes on the battlefiel

Fiend Warlock

These Warlocks form pacts with demons or devils, gaining access to infernal powers in exchange for service. They can unleash devastating eldritch blasts and charm others to their dark will.

College of Whispers Bard

Masters of manipulation and secrets, Bards of the Whispers excel at sowing discord, spreading rumors, and using their music to control the minds of the weak-willed.

Death Domain Cleric

Devoted to the concept of death and undeath, Clerics of the Death Domain channel necrotic energy to heal undead allies and inflict withering curses upon their enemies.

Shadow Magic Sorcerer

Sorcerers who tap into the power of the Shadowfell wield darkness itself. They can teleport through shadows, manipulate darkness, and unleash debilitating darkness spells.

Assassin Rogue

Specialists in stealth and lethality, Assassins excel at eliminating targets with pinpoint precision. Their mastery of poisons and disguise makes them perfect for sowing chaos from the shadows.

Oath of Conquest Paladin

While Oathbreakers break their oaths, Paladins of Conquest twist their tenets to serve their own dark purposes. They inspire fear in their allies and strike terror into the hearts of their enemies.

Necromancy Wizard

Wizards specializing in Necromancy delve into the forbidden arts of manipulating life and death. They can command undead hordes, drain the life force of their enemies, and create horrifying monstrosities

College of Aberration Bar

Bards who delve into the secrets of the Far Realm gain access to unsettling magic. They can induce madness in their enemies and twist reality itself to their advantage

Blood Hunter (Optional Rule)

This class, from the Blood Hunter subclass, uses their own life force to fuel their abilities. They can inflict gruesome wounds, enter a hemotropic rage, and make dark pacts for increased power at a terrible cost.

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