Wiz Walks Away from $23 Billion Deal with Google


Assaf Rappaport, CEO of Wiz, wants the company to keep growing independently. Harry Murphy/Getty Images

In a move that has stunned the tech industry, Wiz, a rising star in the cybersecurity sector, has chosen to reject an acquisition offer from Google valued at an impressive $23 billion. This proposed deal would have been the largest acquisition in Google’s history, reflecting the high regard in which Wiz is held. However, CEO Assaf Rappaport, in a memo to employees, announced that the company is instead pursuing an initial public offering (IPO) and aiming for a significant milestone: reaching $1 billion in annual recurring revenue (ARR).

Rappaport’s memo, which has been shared with various media outlets including Bloomberg, highlighted the difficult nature of turning down such a substantial offer. He acknowledged the gravity of the decision but expressed unwavering confidence in Wiz’s future. “Saying no to such humbling offers is tough, but with our exceptional team, I feel confident in making that choice,” Rappaport wrote. His message underscores a strategic choice to maintain control over the company’s trajectory and to capitalize on its growth potential through public markets.

Regulatory Hurdles and Antitrust Concerns

The decision to forgo Google’s offer is not merely a strategic choice but also a response to potential regulatory hurdles. The Financial Times reported that there were significant concerns among board members at both Wiz and Google’s parent company, Alphabet, regarding whether the deal would pass regulatory scrutiny. In recent years, under President Joe Biden’s administration, there has been increased scrutiny on large-scale tech acquisitions due to concerns over antitrust issues. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been particularly vigilant, intervening in several high-profile tech deals to ensure compliance with antitrust laws.

The hesitation surrounding this deal is part of a broader pattern where significant mergers and acquisitions in the tech industry face rigorous examination. This scrutiny reflects growing concerns about the concentration of power among major tech giants and the impact of such consolidations on competition and innovation.

Wiz’s Growth Trajectory and Investment Background

Wiz, which was founded in 2020, has experienced rapid growth and has become a key player in the cybersecurity space. Valued at $12 billion in its last funding round, the company has attracted investment from some of the most influential venture capital firms. Notable investors include Sequoia Capital, Blackstone, Thrive Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, and Salesforce Ventures. The company has also garnered support from prominent individual investors such as Bernard Arnault, CEO of LVMH, as well as Greenoaks Capital and former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

Originally based in Tel Aviv, Wiz has expanded its operations significantly, relocating its headquarters to New York City to better support its growth and international presence. As of February 2024, Wiz employs around 900 people across the United States, Europe, and Israel, reflecting its substantial scale and global footprint.

Strategic Focus and Future Outlook

The decision to reject Google’s acquisition offer in favor of an IPO reflects Wiz’s strategic focus on achieving long-term financial and operational goals. By setting its sights on reaching $1 billion in annual recurring revenue, Wiz is positioning itself to enhance its market valuation and attract further investment through the public markets. The IPO route offers the company an opportunity to raise significant capital, provide liquidity for its investors, and expand its business operations on a global scale.

The move also highlights a broader trend among tech startups that opt for public offerings as a means to solidify their market positions and drive growth, rather than being absorbed by larger tech giants. This approach allows companies like Wiz to retain control over their strategic direction and capitalize on their growth potential independently.

Next Steps and Market Implications

As Wiz embarks on its journey towards an IPO, the tech and cybersecurity sectors will closely watch how the company navigates this transition. The outcome of Wiz’s public offering and its ability to meet its financial targets will be critical in determining its future trajectory. Additionally, the broader tech market will likely be impacted by this development, as it reflects ongoing trends in the industry regarding mergers, acquisitions, and public market strategies.

For now, neither Google nor Wiz has provided further comments on the situation. As this story unfolds, more details will emerge about Wiz’s plans and the broader implications for the tech and investment communities.

Stay tuned for additional updates as Wiz continues to chart its path toward a public listing and the evolving landscape of the tech industry.

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