Wall Street Prepares for September Rate Cut Following Soft CPI Print


September rate cut incoming: Wall Street reacts to a soft CPI print

Several prominent investment banking advisory firms, including Wells Fargo, ING, and Evercore ISI, have indicated a potential shift in Federal Reserve policy towards lowering interest rates following the release of a softer-than-expected Consumer Price Index (CPI) report in June.

The latest CPI data showed a minimal 0.06% increase in core inflation, which excludes volatile food and energy prices. This modest rise suggests a notable slowdown in inflation compared to earlier in the year, providing some relief amid concerns about rising living costs.

“Wells Fargo economists described this morning’s CPI report as one of the most encouraging the FOMC has received since its inflation-targeting efforts began nearly two and a half years ago,” noted analysts in their assessment.

Despite variations across CPI components, the core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) price index remains a critical indicator for the Federal Reserve’s inflation outlook. Evercore ISI emphasized that while the core PCE may show fluctuations, the overall trend points towards a sustained moderation in inflationary pressures.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell underscored these concerns during recent congressional testimony, emphasizing the Fed’s dual mandate of managing inflation and promoting full employment. Powell acknowledged the challenge of achieving a ‘soft landing’ for the economy, balancing the need to curb inflation without undermining economic growth.

Analysts at Evercore ISI highlighted significant changes in the labor market dynamics, which have reduced the risk of wage-driven inflation. They noted that while the labor market remains robust, signs of cooling suggest a shift from earlier tight conditions that allowed the Fed to maintain patience before adjusting monetary policy.

“In previous cycles, the Fed’s stance was bolstered by a resilient labor market, providing a cushion against immediate rate adjustments pending clear signals of easing inflation,” explained Evercore ISI economists.

Wells Fargo economists reiterated their expectation that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will implement a 25 basis point reduction in the federal funds rate at its September meeting, followed by another 25 basis point reduction by December. They emphasized that delaying these rate cuts could incur higher costs amid evolving economic conditions.

Evercore ISI anticipates that the Fed will use its upcoming meetings to signal a commitment to rate cuts, potentially upgrading its language on inflation progress during the July meeting as a prelude to policy adjustments in September.

Overall, these insights from leading advisory firms reflect a cautious optimism regarding the Federal Reserve’s ability to navigate current economic challenges. By focusing on inflation trends and labor market dynamics, policymakers aim to sustain economic stability while fostering conditions conducive to long-term growth.

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