Vanguard Predicts Only One Fed Rate Cut in 2024 Due to High Shelter Inflation and Strong Job Market


Don't get too excited for multiple rate cuts in 2024, Vanguard says. Pool/Getty Images, Douglas Sacha/Getty Images, Abanti Chowdhury/BI

In a recent assessment, Vanguard projected that the Federal Reserve will likely implement only a modest 25 basis-point cut to interest rates this year. This prediction reflects the asset manager’s cautious stance amid ongoing economic conditions that could limit the central bank’s ability to significantly ease monetary policy. The anticipated rate cut is scheduled for September, falling short of more aggressive rate-cut expectations held by some investors who foresee up to three reductions by the end of the year.

Factors Influencing the Fed’s Decision

Vanguard’s forecast is influenced by several key economic factors that could restrain the Fed’s actions. Despite a cooling job market compared to the peaks of 2021 and 2022, hiring remains robust. The U.S. economy added 206,000 jobs in the most recent month, surpassing expectations, and wage growth, while slightly moderated, remains solid at 3.9%. The unemployment rate, although inching up to 4.1% in June, remains near historic lows, reflecting a tight labor market.

Josh Hirt, a senior economist at Vanguard, highlighted that while the Fed is keen to lower rates, it faces a dilemma. Cutting rates prematurely, especially with strong labor market indicators and persistent wage growth, could risk reigniting inflation, complicating the central bank’s efforts to maintain price stability.

Persistent Inflation and Shelter Costs

Inflation remains a significant concern for the Fed. Consumer prices rose 3% year-over-year in June, exceeding the Fed’s 2% target. Core personal consumption expenditures (PCE) inflation, the Fed’s preferred measure, stood at 2.6% in June, with Vanguard forecasting it to reach 2.9% by year-end. The Fed would likely prefer to see core PCE inflation drop below 2.5% before contemplating further rate cuts.

A substantial driver of inflation is the high cost of shelter. Shelter costs, which have been growing at a 5% annual pace, are currently at their highest levels ever, according to Federal Reserve data. Vanguard anticipates that shelter inflation will remain stubbornly high, projecting a continued month-over-month growth rate of approximately 0.4%.

Balancing Act for the Fed

Vanguard’s outlook suggests that the Fed’s decision-making will involve a delicate balance between reducing rates too soon and risking inflationary pressures, versus waiting too long and potentially stifling economic growth. The firm predicts that if the Fed opts to cut rates in 2024, it will likely be limited to a single quarter-point reduction.

The firm’s cautious stance is in line with recent adjustments in rate cut expectations. Following a series of stronger-than-expected inflation reports early in the year, many rate forecasters have revised their outlooks, now predicting fewer rate cuts than initially anticipated.

Market Anticipations and Fed’s Upcoming Actions

As investors await the Fed’s next move, markets are currently pricing in a near-100% probability that the central bank will hold rates steady in its upcoming policy meeting. This reflects a broader sentiment of caution among market participants regarding further monetary easing.

Vanguard’s prediction underscores a complex economic environment where high inflation, strong employment data, and rising shelter costs are shaping the Federal Reserve’s policy decisions. As the central bank navigates these challenges, its approach to interest rates will be crucial in influencing economic stability and growth prospects.

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