Shockwaves as Trump Jokes About ‘Nazi Ovens’ in Meeting with Jewish Business Leaders

Donald Trump ALLISON BAILEY/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images

Barbara Res, a former vice president of the Trump Organization, recently revealed a disturbing incident involving Donald Trump during an interview with MSNBC host Ali Velshi. She recounted a meeting where Trump made an offensive and shocking remark directed at Jewish executives within the organization. According to Res, Trump was introducing a new employee of German descent to the team. In what was intended as a humorous introduction, Trump said to the Jewish executives, “Watch out for this guy, he sort of remembers the ovens,” followed by a smile.

The reference to “Nazi ovens” immediately stunned those present in the meeting. The term evokes the horrific historical context of the Holocaust, where millions of Jews and other minorities were systematically murdered in concentration camps, many of which used gas chambers to exterminate victims. Res described the atmosphere in the room as one of disbelief and discomfort, with Trump’s attempt at levity falling profoundly flat.

This incident underscores a pattern of controversial remarks and behaviors from Trump, often characterized by insensitivity and disregard for historical sensitivities. Res further pointed out that Trump had previously made remarks referencing Hannibal Lecter, a fictional cannibalistic character, which she connected to his bizarre and inappropriate sense of humor.

When asked about Trump’s relationship with the religious right, Res did not mince her words. She criticized Trump’s public displays of religious devotion as disingenuous, describing them as “absolute nonsense.” According to Res, Trump would privately mock religious individuals, revealing a stark contrast between his public persona and private attitudes.

Res’s candid remarks shed light on her personal experiences working under Trump’s leadership. She left the Trump Organization in 1998, citing mistreatment of herself and colleagues as reasons for her departure. Her account adds to a growing body of testimonies from former associates and employees who have portrayed Trump as inconsistent in his behaviors and prone to making controversial statements.

In the context of the upcoming election, Trump has continued to court controversy with remarks aimed at various demographics. In March, he sparked criticism by suggesting that Jews who support President Joe Biden should be “ashamed of themselves.” This comment reflects Trump’s divisive rhetoric, which has often targeted minority groups and sought to polarize public opinion.

Overall, Res’s revelations provide a sobering perspective on Trump’s leadership style and his interactions within diverse communities. They highlight ongoing concerns about his approach to sensitive historical and cultural issues, as well as his relationships with different segments of the American electorate.

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