Scammers Exploit Mourners with Fake Virtual Funerals

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Scammers Exploit Mourners with Fake Virtual Funerals

A disturbing new scam has emerged, targeting grieving individuals with fraudulent livestreams of funeral services. This deceptive scheme preys on families who are already dealing with the emotional burden of losing a loved one. Craig Richardson, a veteran celebrant with over 18 years of experience officiating funerals, has been at the forefront of warning about this malicious practice.

Mechanics of the Scam

The scam operates with a chilling efficiency. Scammers initiate contact with grieving families, offering them a link to view a livestream of a funeral service for an initial fee, typically around £15. The scammers use this payment as a means to both defraud the victims and gather sensitive financial information. Once the payment is made, there is a significant risk that the scammers may clone the victims’ card details, leading to further financial exploitation.

Richardson, who has witnessed the impact of this scam firsthand, describes the situation as deeply distressing. “It is already the worst time of someone’s life,” he said. “They are trying to say goodbye to a loved one, and then to be scammed in such a way is quite disrespectful. It is disgusting because they are preying on the vulnerable. They don’t have a heart.”

Tactics Employed by Scammers

The scammers behind these schemes are highly sophisticated. They use publicly available records to identify recently bereaved individuals and then create convincing fake profiles on social media or other platforms. These profiles are crafted to appear legitimate, often including photos of the deceased and detailed information about the funeral. This deceptive approach is designed to make the fake livestream appear authentic and professional.

Fraudsters often use social engineering tactics to increase their chances of success. They might send out messages or create posts that seem to come from reputable sources or organizations associated with the funeral. The fraudulent links they provide are designed to mimic genuine funeral streaming services, making it difficult for grieving families to distinguish between real and fake offers.

Protective Measures and Recommendations

In response to this troubling trend, Suffolk Trading Standards has issued clear guidelines for protecting against such scams. They advise anyone who receives an unsolicited link claiming to offer a livestream of a funeral to verify its authenticity before making any payments. The recommended course of action is to contact the funeral directors directly or check with the funeral venue to confirm whether the link is legitimate.

Richardson emphasizes that legitimate funeral livestream services are always paid for by the family in advance, so no additional payment should be required to access the stream. He underscores the importance of confirming the authenticity of any such service through trusted channels.

James Crossland, managing director of Obitus, a recognized provider of funeral streaming services, has echoed these warnings. “We’re aware there have been cases reported of bereaved families targeted with fake funeral ‘stream’ scams on social media. It’s deplorable scammers are trying to take advantage of people at such a vulnerable time. We would never ask mourners to enter credit card details or personal information to access a genuine stream.”

Broader Implications and Consumer Awareness

Consumer advocate Rob Lilley-Jones from Which? describes these scams as “particularly horrific and awful.” He highlights the egregious nature of the fraud, noting that it targets individuals during one of the most emotionally vulnerable periods of their lives. “Fraudsters are increasingly targeting people at their most vulnerable, and this is one of the most vulnerable times of anyone’s life, when a loved one has died,” he said.

Suffolk Trading Standards further advises the public to remain cautious when approached with offers for funeral livestreams. They recommend avoiding any payment to unsolicited contacts and verifying the legitimacy of the service with the funeral directors or the crematorium directly.


The rise of fake funeral livestream scams represents a deeply troubling trend in financial fraud. These scams exploit the grief of individuals and their families, causing additional emotional and financial strain during an already difficult time. It is crucial for anyone receiving such offers to exercise caution, verify the authenticity of the service through reliable sources, and avoid providing personal or financial information to unverified entities. By staying informed and vigilant, individuals can protect themselves from falling victim to these heartless scams.

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