Safety Alert: Listeria Scare Prompts Recall of Publix and Fresh Express Spinach

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In a disconcerting turn of events, Fresh Express, the renowned salad-mix maestro, finds itself in the throes of yet another recall, casting a shadow over its produce and resonating with the echoes of previous outbreaks that have left over 1,200 individuals in the grip of illness. The latest chapter in this unsettling saga revolves around the recall of two packaged spinach products, a precautionary measure undertaken by the Salinas, California-based subsidiary of Chiquita Brands International.

The recall spans across a geographic tapestry, encompassing seven states—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Fresh Express, in collaboration with the Food and Drug Administration, has sounded the alarm on potential listeria contamination in the affected spinach products, prompting a swift and comprehensive response to mitigate the risk to consumers.

The implicated products in this recall are the 8-ounce packages of Fresh Express Spinach, bearing the product code G332, and a use-by date of December 15. Additionally, 9-ounce packages of Publix Spinach, featuring the same product code G332 but with a now-expired use-by date of December 14, are also subject to the recall. The UPC codes for the Fresh Express and Publix Spinach products are 0 71279 13204 4 and 0 41415 00886 1, respectively.

The distribution network for the Fresh Express Spinach includes retailers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia. Meanwhile, the recalled Publix Spinach, with its own unique UPC code, reached consumers in an expanded territory, spanning Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

This recent recall adds another chapter to Fresh Express’s history, notably recalling the 2018 outbreak of intestinal illnesses linked to salads served at McDonald’s restaurants. That particular incident, which involved salads carrying the ominous imprint of cyclospora infections, led to 511 confirmed cases across 15 states and New York City. While no fatalities were reported, 24 individuals found themselves hospitalized. The aftermath of this outbreak prompted McDonald’s to pivot to an alternative salad-mix supplier, marking a consequential shift in their procurement practices. As Fresh Express grapples with the ramifications of this latest recall, the specter of past incidents looms, underlining the critical importance of stringent safety measures in the food production and distribution chain.

Safety Alert: Listeria Scare Prompts Recall of Publix and Fresh Express Spinach 2
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