RFK Jr.: ‘I’m Proposing to Put the Entire US Budget on Blockchain’


Independent Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks to supporters during a campaign event March 30, 2024, in Los Angeles.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential candidate, has proposed a groundbreaking initiative to enhance transparency and accountability within the United States government by advocating for the entire U.S. budget to be placed on the blockchain. Kennedy unveiled this ambitious plan during a rally held in Michigan, underscoring his commitment to providing every American citizen with unprecedented access to detailed information regarding government expenditures, accessible at any time, day or night.

The concept of utilizing blockchain technology, commonly associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, represents a significant departure from traditional methods of financial management within government agencies. By leveraging blockchain’s inherent transparency and immutability, Kennedy aims to revolutionize the way government finances are managed and scrutinized. Essentially, this approach would create a public ledger of transactions, allowing citizens to track every budget item in real-time, thereby fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.

Kennedy’s proposal is a response to longstanding concerns about government waste and inefficiency, exemplified by infamous instances such as reports of the Pentagon paying exorbitant prices for mundane items like toilet seats. By placing the U.S. budget on the blockchain, Kennedy envisions that such questionable expenditures would be readily exposed to public scrutiny, thereby deterring wasteful spending practices and promoting fiscal responsibility among government officials.

In addition to advocating for blockchain transparency, Kennedy has demonstrated a broader embrace of digital assets by accepting campaign donations in Bitcoin and expressing support for backing the U.S. dollar with Bitcoin if elected to the White House. However, Kennedy has also voiced opposition to plans for a central bank digital currency (CBDC), aligning himself with Republicans who share similar concerns about government overreach in the realm of digital finance.

Despite facing long odds in the presidential race, Kennedy has positioned himself as the sole pro-cryptocurrency candidate, earning praise from advocacy groups such as Stand With Crypto. This nonprofit organization, backed by grassroots advocates and cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, has rated Kennedy as “strongly supportive of crypto,” a stark contrast to its assessment of President Biden, who is perceived as “against” crypto.

As Kennedy continues his unconventional bid for the presidency, his advocacy for blockchain transparency and support for the cryptocurrency industry underscore the growing influence of digital assets in the political arena. While his proposals may encounter logistical challenges and opposition from traditionalists, they highlight the potential for innovative technologies to reshape governance and finance in the digital age, ushering in a new era of transparency and accountability within government operations.

RFK Jr.: 'I'm Proposing to Put the Entire US Budget on Blockchain' 2
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