Civilian Mariner Still Missing 2 Days After Houthi Militants Attack Cargo Ship in Red Sea


The guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea in a 2014 file photo. The USS Philippine Sea assisted in the rescue of the crew of the M/V Tutor, a cargo ship struck by Houthi militants in the Red Sea. One civilian mariner remains missing.

In the Red Sea, the situation remains tense following a series of aggressive actions by Houthi militants targeting commercial vessels, highlighting escalating maritime security concerns in the region. The recent incident involved the M/V Tutor, a Liberian-flagged cargo ship owned by a Greek company, which fell victim to a drone attack initiated by Houthi forces. This attack, occurring on Wednesday, inflicted severe damage to the vessel’s engine room, causing it to flood. The crew, faced with imminent danger, made the critical decision to abandon ship. Fortunately, swift coordination efforts by US and allied forces, including the USS Philippine Sea, ensured the successful rescue of the crew members.

Despite the rescue operation, the M/V Tutor continues to face challenges, with reports indicating that the vessel is taking on water and has drifted from its initial position. The uncertainty surrounding its current condition adds to the complexity of ongoing maritime operations in the area, monitored closely by the UK Maritime Trade Operations to mitigate further risks.

The following day, Houthi militants carried out another aggressive act, targeting the M/V Verbena in the Gulf of Aden with multiple missile strikes. This attack resulted in significant injuries to a civilian mariner and sparked fires aboard the ship. The crew, demonstrating resilience and skill, managed to contain and extinguish the fires, ensuring the safety of the vessel and its cargo. Prompt response from nearby US naval assets facilitated the urgent medical evacuation of the injured mariner, underscoring the critical role of international cooperation in responding to such incidents.

CENTCOM’s condemnation of these attacks reflects broader concerns over the destabilizing impact of Houthi aggression on regional security and international maritime trade. The statement emphasized the Houthis’ reckless disregard for the safety of civilian lives and their contradictory stance in purportedly acting on behalf of Palestinians in Gaza while endangering the lives of unrelated international mariners.

The escalation in attacks against commercial vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since October underscores the gravity of the situation, with previous incidents including the tragic loss of lives on the M/V True Confidence earlier in the year. These incidents have not only raised alarms within the maritime community but have also prompted concerted efforts by the US and its allies, particularly the UK, to respond decisively. Military strikes targeting Houthi assets in Yemen have been employed in an attempt to degrade their capabilities and deter future attacks on maritime traffic.

Despite these measures, the persistence of Houthi provocations underscores the ongoing challenges in ensuring maritime security in vital shipping lanes. The United States, in collaboration with international partners, remains steadfast in its commitment to holding the Houthis accountable for their actions and safeguarding the flow of humanitarian aid crucial for Yemen and Gaza. As diplomatic efforts continue to address underlying conflicts in the region, the focus on enhancing maritime security remains paramount to mitigating risks and ensuring safe passage for vessels navigating through these turbulent waters.

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