BofA Predicts Chip Stocks Won’t Peak Until Mid-2026: 3 Sub-Industries Expected to Thrive Until Then


Nvidia's stellar second quarter earnings report still doesn't justify its current stock price, according to David Trainer. Sam Yeh/AFP/Getty Images

Bank of America’s projection of the semiconductor bull run extending until mid-2026 is grounded in an analysis of historical cycles and current market dynamics. This sustained period of growth is anticipated to have significant implications across various sectors, with particular emphasis on cloud computing, automotive, and the increasing complexity of semiconductor manufacturing.

The semiconductor industry has been riding a wave of momentum, largely fueled by the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This trend has been reflected in the performance of the SOX index, which tracks semiconductor stocks and has notably outpaced benchmark indices. Despite trading at a premium compared to broader market indices like the S&P 500, semiconductor stocks continue to garner bullish sentiment, with investors seeing compelling reasons to remain optimistic.

One key factor contributing to this bullish outlook is the historical pattern observed in semiconductor cycles. Typically, the industry experiences about 10 quarters of upside following a downcycle, and this pattern has just begun to unfold. With the current upcycle commencing in late 2023, analysts believe that the strength in the semiconductor market is likely to persist until at least mid-2026. However, it’s worth noting that semiconductor stocks often change direction 6-9 months ahead of the cycle inflection, indicating a potential peak sometime around the second half of 2025.

Moreover, the semiconductor sector is expected to see accelerated growth in 2025, driven by factors such as the resolution of inventory corrections from the previous year. This growth trajectory presents investors with opportunities to capitalize on key themes within the industry.

Bank of America has identified three main investment themes that are expected to benefit from the semiconductor bull run:

  1. Cloud Computing: Nvidia and Broadcom are highlighted as top picks in this segment. The expansion of AI data center infrastructure is expected to drive robust demand for Nvidia’s hardware, while Broadcom stands to benefit from its diverse portfolio of semiconductor solutions catering to cloud computing needs.
  2. Automotive: Stocks such as NXP Semiconductors are poised for growth due to the increasing integration of semiconductor chips in automotive applications. These stocks offer investors exposure to the automotive sector’s demand for advanced semiconductor solutions, which are crucial for enabling technologies like autonomous driving and vehicle connectivity.
  3. Complexity in Semiconductor Manufacturing: The growing complexity of semiconductor manufacturing processes presents opportunities for companies like KLA Corporation and Synopsis. These companies specialize in semiconductor equipment and play a critical role in enabling the production of advanced semiconductor chips. Their strong fundamentals and solid free cash flow margins make them attractive investment options within the semiconductor ecosystem.

Overall, Bank of America’s bullish outlook on the semiconductor sector underscores the significant role that semiconductors play in powering technological advancements across various industries. By identifying key investment themes and top picks within the semiconductor market, investors can position themselves to capitalize on the ongoing bull run in the sector.

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