Bitcoin at Risk of Plunging to $60,000 as Traders Abandon Ship

Bitcoin (BTC) is facing a critical juncture as its price hovers around $64,000, perilously close to a significant support level at $65,800. If this support is breached, analysts from CryptoQuant warn of a potential 8% to 12% correction, which could see Bitcoin’s value drop to $60,000. This analysis reflects a broader trend of declining investor enthusiasm and weakened demand indicators that have emerged in recent weeks.

Despite Bitcoin’s high trading range, key demand indicators reveal troubling signs of weakness. Traders are not increasing their Bitcoin holdings at a rate that would suggest confidence in a sustained rally. More concerningly, the so-called whales—large-scale investors who have the power to significantly influence market trends—are not demonstrating the kind of robust demand growth that typically supports rising prices. The growth rate of whale holdings has slowed to a monthly rate of 4.8%, significantly lower than the 6% to 10% monthly growth seen during the first quarter of the year when Bitcoin soared to record highs.

In addition to waning demand from traders and whales, there is a notable slowdown in stablecoin liquidity, which is essential for maintaining Bitcoin’s price momentum. Tether (USDT), the most widely used stablecoin, has seen its market capitalization growth plummet from $12.6 billion in late April to just $3.7 billion currently. This represents the slowest pace of growth since November 2023. Stablecoin liquidity provides the necessary buying power for traders, and without it, Bitcoin prices struggle to sustain upward movement.

Moreover, the demand from U.S. investors, which was a significant driving force during the early 2024 Bitcoin frenzy, has not returned. This is clearly evidenced by the Coinbase Premium Index, a measure of Bitcoin’s price on the U.S.-based exchange Coinbase compared to other exchanges. Since May 20, this index has remained below zero, indicating that U.S. investors are not providing the necessary demand to drive prices higher. The lack of interest from this critical investor group is contributing to the overall bearish sentiment.

Despite these negative indicators, there remains a glimmer of hope within the market’s broader context. CryptoQuant’s Bull-Bear Market Cycle indicator, which tracks the market’s overall sentiment and momentum, suggests that Bitcoin is still in a bull market. However, it is a bull market with diminishing upward momentum. This indicator is at its lowest level since October 2023 and remains below its 30-day moving average. For the market to regain its bullish momentum, this indicator would need to cross above its 30-day moving average. Until such a shift occurs, the general outlook from CryptoQuant analysts remains bleak, with limited potential for significant price increases in the short term.

The situation reflects a complex interplay of market forces. On one hand, the current price of Bitcoin at $64,000 shows resilience, but on the other hand, the underlying demand and liquidity issues suggest potential vulnerability. The next few weeks will be critical for Bitcoin. If the support level at $65,800 holds, there might be a chance for stabilization and potential recovery. However, if it fails, the predicted correction could see prices fall to around $60,000, marking a significant downturn from the recent highs.

This precarious situation underscores the importance of monitoring market indicators closely. Traders and investors need to pay attention to changes in whale activity, stablecoin liquidity, and the behavior of U.S. investors, as these factors will heavily influence Bitcoin’s near-term trajectory. While the long-term outlook for Bitcoin might still be bullish, the current landscape requires caution and strategic planning to navigate the potential volatility ahead.

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