Biden Warns: Government Shutdown Threatens to Crash U.S. Economy


Biden cries out: Government shutdown will cause U.S. economy to crash © Provided by Cryptopolitan

The race to prevent a government shutdown has intensified as President Joe Biden and Congressional leaders work to pass spending bills before the March 1 deadline. However, disagreements over funding for Ukraine, Israel, and the US-Mexico border are causing significant division. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer described the talks as extremely intense, indicating the gravity of the situation.

President Biden has warned that a government shutdown would have severe economic repercussions and is urging bipartisan cooperation to resolve the issues. However, some House members, particularly hardliners, are using the opportunity to push their own agenda on issues such as abortion, immigration, and climate change. This recurring threat of shutdowns has raised concerns among credit rating agencies like Fitch Ratings and Moody’s.

Republican leaders, led by House Speaker Mike Johnson, are advocating for a more proactive approach to addressing the issues rather than relying on temporary fixes. While they acknowledge the risk of a shutdown, they believe it can be avoided.

Despite the urgency of the situation, details of the spending plan have not been shared, and the House is currently on break. With deadlines looming and the possibility of certain government agencies running out of funding by early March, the situation remains precarious.

The impact of a shutdown could be big or small, depending on how long it lasts. Economists are saying it could slow down the economy a bit more every week it goes on. But so far, the stock market isn’t too worried. Then there’s the whole situation with Ukraine and the border. Schumer, fresh from a trip to Ukraine, is trying to get Johnson to ease up on the border stuff so they can get aid sorted for Ukraine.

But Johnson’s sticking to his guns, saying the border’s the top priority. This stalemate is holding up support for Ukraine, which is running low on ammo in its fight with Russia, and for Israel, which needs help after an attack by Hamas. The meeting at the White House, which even the CIA Director Bill Burns attended, shows how urgent this is. But let’s not forget about the border. It’s been a major talking point, with Biden and former President Donald Trump planning visits to Texas. Trump’s blaming Biden for a rise in border crossings, and it’s becoming a key issue for voters. Now, let’s talk about the economy – it’s actually been doing pretty well.

The latest reports show the US economy grew at a 3.2% pace in the last quarter of the year, which is pretty solid. Consumer spending is up, which is a big deal since it drives about 70% of the economy. Local government spending and exports are also doing well. Even with all the worries about inflation and interest rates, the economy’s been growing steadily. Inflation’s easing up a bit, which is good news. And looking ahead, the US is expected to keep outpacing other major economies.

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