Biden Directs Military to Construct Port to Alleviate Gaza’s Hunger Crisis

Joe Biden © Bloomberg

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In a recent address, President Joe Biden unveiled plans for the establishment of a temporary port on the Gaza coast, aiming to alleviate the humanitarian crisis resulting from the Israel-Hamas conflict. During his State of the Union speech, Biden emphasized the importance of increasing aid access to Gaza and called on Israel to facilitate this process. While affirming Israel’s right to self-defense, Biden stressed the urgency of achieving a six-week cease-fire to address the ongoing crisis.

The proposed port is intended to facilitate a significant increase in the delivery of essential supplies, including food, water, and medicine. According to US officials, the temporary facility will have the capacity to handle the equivalent of hundreds of truckloads of aid per day. Plans are in place for the port to transition to commercial operation over time.

This initiative represents the latest effort by the US to address the dire conditions facing the 2 million residents of Gaza following the military campaign against Hamas. The United Nations Children’s Fund has recently warned of severe shortages of food, water, and medical services, leading to fatalities among children in the region.

These actions underscore the ongoing commitment of the US government to address humanitarian crises and promote stability in conflict-affected regions.

Constructing a temporary port presents significant logistical challenges, with officials cautioning that it will take several weeks to complete the facility and begin aid deliveries. The project will involve US military personnel stationed on vessels offshore, without the need for American forces to enter Gaza’s territory.

This decision marks a departure from previous efforts by the US to persuade Israel to allow more aid through land routes. President Biden’s frustration with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handling of the Gaza crisis has prompted a shift in strategy towards alternative solutions.

Refugees International President Jeremy Konyndyk emphasized the need for unimpeded humanitarian access throughout Gaza to effectively address the crisis. While initial aid shipments will pass through Cyprus, Israel is expected to approve additional aid efforts facilitated by the United Arab Emirates, starting from Cyprus.

An Israeli official, speaking anonymously, expressed support for the deployment of the temporary dock and affirmed full coordination between the US and Israel in executing the project. Meanwhile, the US has initiated airdrops of aid into Gaza, but humanitarian organizations argue that such methods are limited and inefficient.

US forces are either present in the region or will soon be deployed, working alongside international partners and humanitarian agencies to distribute aid. However, Rabih Torbay, CEO of Project Hope, stressed the urgency of a cease-fire in Gaza to enable immediate access for aid trucks, as people are facing critical shortages of food and water.

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