Adam Neumann Reveals Jeff Bezos’ Meeting Tip Shared at Event Encounter


Jeff Bezos (left) advised Adam Neumann recently to speak last in meetings. Dave J. Hogan/Getty Images; Shahar Azran/Getty Images

Jeff Bezos recently shared some valuable advice with Adam Neumann, suggesting that he speak last in meetings. This leadership strategy, advocated by Bezos, is rooted in principles endorsed by organizational psychologists like Adam Grant. Neumann, the co-founder of WeWork, revealed Bezos’ counsel after speaking at an event where Bezos was present. Neumann expressed appreciation for Bezos’ advice, indicating his willingness to evolve as a leader at Flow, his current venture in the apartment industry.

At WeWork, Neumann was known for his unconventional leadership style, characterized by alcohol-fueled executive meetings that could extend late into the night. He often emphasized the importance of authenticity and discussed concepts like superpowers. However, his leadership approach is undergoing a transformation at Flow, where he faces a different set of challenges and expectations, particularly with investors like Andreessen Horowitz backing the company.

Bezos, on the other hand, is renowned for his corporate leadership style, which emphasizes tightly orchestrated meetings and strategic decision-making. In a podcast with Lex Fridman, Bezos emphasized the value of leaders holding back in meetings and creating a culture where junior staff feel empowered to challenge senior counterparts based on data-driven insights. He suggested a meeting structure where the most junior person speaks first, followed by a progression in order of ascending seniority.

This approach is not novel and has been championed by organizational psychologists like Adam Grant, who emphasize the importance of creating an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued and junior employees feel empowered to contribute.

Bezos’ advice to Neumann reflects broader principles of effective leadership and collaboration, highlighting the importance of active listening, authenticity, and creating a culture that fosters open communication and constructive dialogue. By encouraging Neumann to speak last in meetings, Bezos is promoting a leadership style that allows for the full expression of ideas and encourages thoughtful consideration before reaching decisions.

As Neumann navigates his leadership journey at Flow, he appears receptive to incorporating such insights into his evolving leadership style. By embracing Bezos’ advice and leveraging the expertise of organizational psychologists like Adam Grant, Neumann aims to cultivate a culture of innovation, collaboration, and excellence at Flow, driving the company’s success in the competitive apartment industry.

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