Navigating the job market in a struggling economy presents formidable challenges, particularly for individuals returning from military service with limited transferable career skills. Norm Phillips, a mentor with SCORE Bucks County, a branch of the national nonprofit organization, recounted the arduous journey of one of his clients who applied to over 100 positions without receiving a single response. Unfortunately, this scenario is not uncommon, as research indicates that two-thirds of veterans find securing suitable employment to be the greatest challenge in transitioning to civilian life.

Recognizing the uphill battle veterans face in traditional employment avenues, Phillips embarked on a mission to provide them with alternative pathways to success. His research revealed a striking trend: while veterans often encounter hurdles in securing jobs, they excel as small business owners. Indeed, research data shows that 80 percent of the 1.7 million veteran-owned businesses consider themselves successful. Motivated by these findings, Phillips dedicated himself to developing a comprehensive resource guide tailored specifically for veterans embarking on entrepreneurial ventures.

The resource guide, an ongoing project, encompasses a wealth of valuable information curated to support veterans through every stage of their entrepreneurial journey. It includes a range of resources such as SCORE webinars and courses customized for veterans, as well as insights into grants, loans, and certifications available exclusively to veterans. Approximately one-third of the guide is dedicated to resources tailored specifically to meet the unique needs of veterans in their business endeavors. Phillips firmly believes that entrepreneurship offers veterans a different barrier to entry compared to seeking traditional employment, providing them with an avenue to leverage their skills, experiences, and tenacity.

Drawing from his extensive background in pharmaceutical marketing, which spans 47 years, including 18 years with Johnson & Johnson, Phillips now channels his expertise into mentoring veterans. Currently, he mentors five veterans and plans to expand his reach with the completion of the resource guide. Additionally, several other mentors within the SCORE Bucks County network are veterans themselves, eager to lend their support to this noble cause.

Phillips is actively engaged in forging partnerships with veterans organizations, community colleges, and universities to extend SCORE’s mentoring services to former military members. The chapter’s pilot program has garnered significant attention both regionally and nationally, with the potential to serve as a replicable model for other SCORE chapters if proven successful.

For those interested in learning more or seeking mentorship, Phillips encourages reaching out via email or through SCORE’s website. Since its inception in 1964, SCORE has been dedicated to assisting over 11 million aspiring entrepreneurs, providing small business mentoring and workshops to hundreds of thousands of new and growing businesses annually.

In Bucks and Eastern Montgomery counties, SCORE Bucks County boasts a robust network of more than 70 members, offering over 4,300 free mentoring services annually to local small business owners. To stay updated on the latest news and events, individuals can join SCORE Bucks County’s email list. Through initiatives like the Veterans Small Business Resource Guide, SCORE remains steadfast in its commitment to empowering entrepreneurs and supporting the veteran community in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Published by Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar is a talented journalist at "The UBJ," known for his in-depth reporting and thoughtful analysis. With a passion for uncovering the stories that matter, Rahul covers a diverse range of topics, bringing clarity and insight to his readers with each article.

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