Starbucks Founder Reveals Steve Jobs Advised Him to Dismiss Executive Team: ‘He Was Right’

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz recounted a pivotal moment in his career during an episode of the podcast “Acquired,” where he shared a compelling anecdote about his encounter with Apple founder Steve Jobs. This illuminating exchange provided a glimpse into the dynamic relationship between two iconic figures in the business world and offered valuable insights into Jobs’ bold leadership style.

In the midst of a stroll around Apple’s campus in 2008, Schultz found himself confiding in Jobs, expressing his frustrations and challenges as the CEO of Starbucks. However, what began as a casual conversation took an unexpected turn when Jobs abruptly interrupted Schultz, delivering a directive that would leave a lasting impact. With unwavering conviction, Jobs insisted that Schultz take decisive action by firing his entire executive team upon his return to Seattle.

Initially taken aback by Jobs’ audacious suggestion, Schultz hesitated, assuming that Jobs was perhaps joking or speaking in hyperbole. However, as Jobs reiterated his stance with unwavering intensity, Schultz realized the gravity of the situation. Jobs’ impassioned plea was not merely a suggestion but a firm conviction rooted in his belief in the transformative power of decisive action.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs, left, greets Starbucks founder Howard Schultz during an Apple Special event, Sept. 5, 2007, in San Francisco. Getty Images

The intensity of Jobs’ delivery left an indelible impression on Schultz, who vividly recalled the moment when Jobs passionately advocated for sweeping changes within Starbucks’ leadership ranks. Despite his initial skepticism, Schultz ultimately recognized the wisdom in Jobs’ counsel, understanding that bold decisions were necessary to drive meaningful transformation and ensure the company’s long-term success.

In the aftermath of his conversation with Jobs, Schultz took decisive action, initiating a series of leadership changes within Starbucks that would ultimately reshape the trajectory of the company. While the decision to overhaul his executive team was met with skepticism and uncertainty, Schultz remained steadfast in his commitment to implementing Jobs’ vision and charting a new course for Starbucks.

As Schultz navigated the complexities of leadership, he drew upon the lessons imparted by Jobs, embracing the principles of innovation, boldness, and unwavering conviction. While the road ahead was fraught with challenges and uncertainties, Schultz remained resolute in his determination to lead Starbucks through a period of transformation and renewal.

Ultimately, Schultz’s tenure at Starbucks would be defined by both triumphs and challenges, as he navigated the complexities of the coffee industry and steered the company through periods of growth and adversity. Through it all, the lessons learned from his encounter with Jobs would serve as a guiding light, inspiring Schultz to embrace bold decisions and pursue excellence at every turn.

As Starbucks continues to evolve and adapt to an ever-changing marketplace, the legacy of Schultz’s leadership and his transformative encounter with Jobs continue to resonate, shaping the company’s journey and leaving an indelible mark on the business world.