Sydney Sweeney Remembers Making Cassie's Famous Euphoria Vomit Scene


Sydney Sweeney remembers the "disgusting" production of Cassie's iconic Euphoria vomit scene in season 2, almost two years after it aired. 


Despite being aware of his violent background, Sweeney's Cassie started a turbulent relationship with her best friend Maddy's (Alexa Demie) toxic ex-boyfriend Nate (Jacob Elordi) in the most recent season. 


In the famous moment from Maddy's birthday party, the three of them are in a hot tub together, and Cassie, who has been drinking all night, actually throws up all over the place out of guilt.


As Sweeney promotes Madame Web on Hot Ones, she muses over the famous vomit scene from season two of Euphoria. 


 Sweeney talks on how "disgusting" it was to produce the scene and how difficult it was, including the technical aspects needed to achieve the desired impact. 


"There was a lot of work that went behind that because Sam, of course, wanted it to be just projectile vomit everywhere. You just put it in your mouth, and then you hold it, and you puke it up. They had to get a pump, and they had this pipe that they taped and hid on my body and CGI’d it out, up my neck, and then there was a horse bit that I had to put in my mouth."


And so during that scene, they’re filling my mouth with throwup. And then, I open up my mouth, and it just starts shooting out. It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever experienced. You need the pump. It’s a very insane pump too. But the horse bit. I was like why do we need the horse bit? It was huge!


Even though season 3 of Euphoria has been confirmed, its future remains questionable. The following season isn't anticipated to air until 2025, which is a three-year hiatus. 


Stars on the show are now doubting their continued involvement. Though he plays a high school kid, Jacob Elordi recently acknowledged that he was unsure about his future on the program. 
