There is a lot of focus on Rachel's flight to Paris, their final night together, and her eventual exit from the airplane.

1. Ross Tells Rachel To Take The Paris Job

One of the best episodes from the first few seasons is undoubtedly "Poker," in which Ross once more gives up what he wants in order to please Rachel.

2. Ross Lets Rachel Win At Poker

When Rachel's sister Amy Visits and causes chaos. She even Pierced Emma's ears without Rachel's consent. The admirable aspect is observing how Ross and Rachel fight her as a team.

3. When they stand united as Parents

When Ross neglects appearing on Discovery Channel to assist her when she is hurt. It may be entertaining to watch him try to apply her makeup.

4. Ross Helps Rachel With Her Makeup

Ross stands by Rachel when she confronts a disrespectful stranger, assuring her that she is making the right decisions and sharing in her joy when she defends herself.

5. Ross & Rachel Laundry Scene

After all, Ross and Rachel were in a relationship for a relatively short length of time in the series: They officially got together in Season 2, Episode 14 

6. Ross & Rachel's First Kiss

It turns out that despite her propensity to return items like sweaters or jewellery, she saves a small box filled with memories, ticket stubs, and even an eggshell from the first time he made her breakfast in bed.

7. Rachel's Box Of Memories