Clips from the old show Newlyweds featuring Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are circulating on TikTok, and Nick isn’t getting the best reputation from it.

It’s quite a twist considering he was once seen as the long-suffering, stand-up husband back in the early aughts. But now, with this TikTok resurgence, people are seeing him in a different light. It’s like the tables have turned, and now he’s become the villain of the story. Ouch!

When Jessica was asked about this newfound perception of Nick, she didn’t seem too bothered. She shrugged it off with a sly attitude. It’s funny how the passage of time and a fresh perspective can change things. She even dropped a little spicy comment, saying, “It’s amazing what publicity can do,” referring to the initial positive impression Nick had when the show first aired.

Let’s not forget that earlier this year, in March 2021, Jessica released the paperback edition of her memoir, Open Book. In it, she included new diary entries discussing Nick moving on with Vanessa Lachey. She wrote about her sadness, saying, “So, Nick, you’re with another already? Seems that you forgot the love you spoke to me… I’m saddened beyond belief. Alone in the dark, with no one to call my own.”

Yikes, that’s some raw emotion right there. Although Nick claims he hasn’t read a “single word” of Jessica’s memoir. According to him, she didn’t reach out to him before publishing it. Well, well, well, looks like there might be some unresolved tension between these two.

Take it as a reminder that time can change perceptions, and sometimes the truth is juicier than we could’ve imagined.

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