Outer Banks is an American action-adventure mystery teen drama streaming television series created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke that premiered on Netflix on April 15, 2020. Season 3 of Outer Banks is currently filming and will continue until August 2022. After filming is over, we can anticipate at least three months of post-production, so the third season might premiere as early as November.
Andy McQueen, Fiona Palomo, and Lou Ferrigno Jr. joined the season 3 cast, according to a June 23 Netflix announcement. McQueen’s parts in Station Eleven, Fahrenheit 451, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, and The Handmaid’s Tale may be familiar to you. Palomo is most recognised for her roles in La Negociadora and Control Z on Netflix. Last but not least, Lou Ferrigno Jr. may be recognisable from his performances in Stargirl.
Carlos Singh, a ruthless Caribbean warlord on a personal quest for gold, will be portrayed by Andy McQueen. Sofia, a young, feisty lady who identifies as a Pogue but longs to be a Kook, will be portrayed by Fiona Palomo. She and Rafe will become good friends. Ryan, Carlos’ chief security officer, will be portrayed by Lou Ferrigno Jr. He knows how to do the task and makes every effort to succeed.
The plot of Outer Banks, which is set on the eponymous islands that dot North Carolina’s coast, revolves around a close-knit group of high school pals known as the “Pogues.” When mystery and intrigue set in, the friends embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to find a rumoured treasure that may also reveal the identity of one of the group’s missing fathers. The “Kooks,” a group of affluent teenagers who are the Pogues’ rival band, are hot on their tail and hoping to collect the bounty first, so they’ll encounter some difficulties along the road.
Madison Bailey, Jonathan Daviss, Rudy Pankow, and Drew Starkey will all be back for Season 3. The show’s founders, Josh Pate, Shannon Burke, and Jonas Pate, will once more serve as showrunners and executive producers. We don’t anticipate anything less from the third season of the show about treasure hunting after two wildly popular ones.