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Saturday, October 5, 2024

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‘Emotional abuse’ Charges Against Jonah Hill From Ex-Girlfriend

Entertainment'Emotional abuse' Charges Against Jonah Hill From Ex-Girlfriend

Jonah Hill was accused of misogyny, emotional abuse, and controlling behaviour by Sarah Brady, a professional surfer who dated Jonah Hill in 2021 and 2022, via social media on Friday. Brady published what she claimed to be screen caps of text messages exchanged with the actor throughout their relationship in a series of Instagram posts. In the texts, the actor, among other things, counselled Brady against maintaining connections with women “who are in unstable places” and against surfing with guys.

Hill allegedly advised Brady to delete specific Instagram images of herself surfing and any of “you in a bathing suit surfing or not” in order to adhere to his “boundaries for a romantic partnership,” according to one screenshot of a message Brady credits to Hill.Brady claims Hill sent another message in which he allegedly made the following statement: “I love how your therapist thinks I stink. Really, I make the best boyfriend. the earth.” and also said  “I hope my ex has a daughter,” Brady wrote of Hill on Instagram. “Maybe she’ll turn him into a real feminist.”

Brady said through Instagram that she shared the allegedly offensive texts because “holding it to myself was doing more harm to my mental health than sharing it could possibly do… Although I also have mental health issues, I do not abuse them to manipulate other people the way he did with me.

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